Sciatic Nerve Pain2023-10-13T05:40:14-04:00

Sciatica Chiropractor Treatment in Houston TX

What Houston Should Know About Our Sciatica Chiropractor Treatment

Need Sciatica Chiropractor Treatment?

Sciatica Chiropractor in Houston, TX Treating Sciatica

Are you or someone you love suffering from sharp, electrical, burning, pain that starts in the low back or buttocks and shoots down the leg and into the foot? Sciatica occurs more often in adults between the age of 25 and 45. Though the pain is usually in the back, it is sometimes isolated to just the hip, bum, or leg. It’s best known for starting a sharp pain that begins low in the back that spreads up through your buttock, hip pain, and up into your chest.

Sciatica is a chronic pain disorder that can make it difficult to move around, maintain your home, or even live as you would like. If sciatica becomes too much of an issue, it can also severely impact the quality of your life.

Dr. Sean Beukelman successfully treats Sciatic Nerve Pain also known as Lumbar Radiculopathy on a daily basis through chiropractic therapy. When asked about why his Sciactica Treatment Protocol is generating such success here in Houston, Dr. Beukelman stated:

“At our Houston Heights Chiropractic location, we take a scientific approach to health and wellness. Every care plan, every recommendation and every therapy I prescribe to a patient is based on correcting the underlying issues that is causing the Sciatic Nerve irritation in the first place. We base that on their consultation and sciatica symptoms, their history, exam findings, posture profile and an in depth Motion Study X-Ray Analysis. At that point I can see fairly clear in most cases, exactly what is going on and what needs to be done to address the specific needs of the patient to provide them with lasting pain relief.”

Sciatica, also sciatic neuralgia is a condition where your sciatic nerve can become compressed. It may occur when certain spinal problems force the sciatic nerve to herniate past its normal position, but it may also be due to various other causes, like soft tissue injury. Its painful symptoms are typically sharp and persistent pain in one buttock (or thigh), and sometimes pelvis or low back pain down the leg.

When one has pain in the leg, it can sometimes feel like there is a burning or tingling sensation. This is a symptom of the sciatic nerve being pinched by another body structure and not an actual disease.

What Is Sciatica or Lumbar Spine Radiculopathy?

Sciatic Nerve Pain is a very common problem for people here in the U.S. and one that our Houston chiropractor sees quite often. For some patients, Sciatica is nothing more than an annoyance, a mere or simple nerve damage caused by aging, especially when it first starts acting up, but they have no idea that they are developing sciatica in Houston.

Sciatica or Lumbar Radiculopathy refers to irritation and pain originating from the Sciatic Nerve. This is a medical condition described as pain radiating from the low back, running down the back of the leg which is the path of the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the longest in the human body.

As shown in the video above, the Sciatic Nerve runs from the lower back area, over the joint of the hip, under the muscle of the buttock, down the leg and at times, into the foot. Usually, sciatic nerve pain affects only one side of the body however, for some people, it is common for it to be observed in both legs.

The agonizing nerve pain of sciatica is very confusing for most people because it can feel like it starts in your buttocks, leg, or calf, yet in all reality, it typically takes or starts in the lower back area, where one or more spinal bones have slightly shifted out of place and are causing pressure, irritation, and inflammation on or around the sciatic nerve.

What are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Patients that come in to see our Houston Chiropractor that has been diagnosed with sciatica usually describe their pain as pain that starts in the low back, butt, or hip that shoots down their leg and calf and times into their foot. It’s common for pain to be felt along the entire length of the sciatic nerve.

The level of pain is based on the individual and the time frame that the nerve has been irritated, but most describe it as an electrical, sharp, burning pain with numbness and tingling at times. Some people have a hard time walking, sitting, or they may feel like the leg is cramping or lose control of it all together. The pain makes it very difficult to enjoy every day life.

Most patients are not able to find anything more than temporary relief from prescribed pain pills or steroid shots which based on what they tell us, only mask their symptoms, if anything at all. The pain seems to be worse they say at times when they cough or sneeze and the frustration of not finding a treatment plan that works is very trying on their day to day life. The pain can come and go at times and can flare up after long time periods of sitting, or standing as well.

That is where Dr. Beukelman comes in and shows them there is still hope. Correcting the underlying root cause of pain is always the best answer when it comes to health issues.

If you are ready to schedule now, feel free to call us today at 832-280-4684!

When a herniated or bulging disc compresses the sciatic nerve, it can lead to chronic pain. This widespread pain can manifest in various ways, including tingling and a pins-and-needles feeling down one side of the leg.

  • Dull aches
  • Pain when standing
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attack
  • Moderate pain (focused on the lower body)
  • Extreme pain in the sciatic nerve
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Numbness in the legs

Chiropractic Treatment For Sciatica in Houston

Our head chiropractor in Houston Heights will begin by looking for the underlying cause of your Sciatic Nerve pain. Because there is a chance that your Sciatic Pain could be caused by a serious issue, Dr. Beukelman takes the diagnostic side of his examination very seriously.

To be sure the issues isn’t stemming from a tumor or chronic illness like diabetes Dr. Beukelman bases all of his care on a full consultation and patient history, a full exam, posture profile, and an in-depth Motion Study X-Ray analysis. This is very critical, and leads the road map on creating an all inclusion plan of action to get successful, long-term sciatic nerve roots pain relief.

For most patients, noticeable pain relief is experienced within the first few visits. The care plan, in full usually will require multiple visits and treatments. The recovery time for Lumbar Radiculopathy or Sciatica, depends on a number of health factors such as the patients overall health to begin with, the condition of and degeneration level of the spine (spinal stenosis), and how long the pain has been present.

The long-term effects of sciatica are more serious than most realize. The sciatic nerve serves as a communication line between the brain and many vital organs, which makes finding the underlying root cause of the problem and fixing it essential for long and short-term health. If you or someone you love is suffering from lumbar radiculopathy or sciatica pain, we can help.

In treating sciatica pain, your chiropractor may recommend some exercises and dietary advice in their treatment of sciatica. This is a rather complicated topic with a lot of different options. It all depends on the patient’s particular needs and way of life. Sciatica can also be treated by chiropractic treatments or anesthetic injections in some cases.

Every patient is unique, so your Houston chiropractor will speak with you to learn more about your daily activities and any potential causes of your sciatic pain. Your Houston chiropractor will analyze the best course of action for a patient and make the decision for sciatica treatment.

Sciatica Chiropractor

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments?

Some benefits of chiropractic treatments in the management of sciatica may include relief from pain, reduced risk of surgery, and less dependency on prescription medications.

  • Minimizes Inflammation: Chiro adjustments help the body release anti-inflammatory substances and alleviate pain. They are a safe and effective way to relieve tension in any muscle groups.
  • Drug-Free Pain Relief: It’s becoming more and more common that pain relief drugs are abused. The use of chiropractic care offers a reliable source of pain relief with no addictive drugs or medications required. The body will be healed on the inside, which is important because it doesn’t just mask the pain but helps solve it.
  • Increases Range of Motion: Chiropractic adjustments can help mobilize your spine, and they promote natural healing by reducing long-term pain. Dr. Beukelman has years of experience to provide the highest level of care for those who seek it.

Give us a call today to set up a complimentary consultation to discuss your symptoms and see if our Sciatic Pain Protocol is right for you. 
Call Us Today 832-280-4684
6815 N Main St. Suite B, Houston Heights


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