Do you ever yawn and hear a loud cracking noise from your back? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience this phenomenon, called spinal joint popping or crepitus. While it’s usually nothing to worry about, it can be puzzling and even a little bit alarming. In this post, we’ll look at what causes spinal joint popping and why it happens. We’ll also discuss when you should see a spinal adjustment doctor about it. 

What Causes Back Crack?

There are different types of back cracks, depending on what causes the back crack and what other sounds may be involved. In the case of a chiropractic adjustment, a dry, sharp popping sound means that there was a sudden release of gas from the joint being adjusted, which creates this type of cracking noise. More often than not, you will hear these types of noises when someone is getting their spine compressed then relapsed to remove pressure from either disc or spinal nerve irritation.

Another occurrence would be if the injury created an acoustic effect, such as with sticking joints or scoliosis patients. For example, in cases where specific muscles contract and push against bone to create creaky sounding pops (such as when bending your neck).

When a person yawns, their back will do what is known as a “reverse lordotic curvature,” meaning the curve in the spine flattens. The stomach muscles pull the pelvic bone backward while, at the same time, other abdominal muscles pull up and forward. Once this has occurred, a popping sound can often be heard if one stretches out too quickly or bends over awkwardly. Most cases of back cracking are not severe. They will go away on their own after an extended period of sitting down or lying down – but occasionally, there is serious concern that should be addressed further with either seeing a doctor or chiropractor to help get an optimal position for your spine health.

The back crack when you yawn could be that you are adjusting your posture to accommodate the yawn better, which often stretches the back muscles.

It could also mean that your back is not aligned properly. Back disorders can cause chronic pain in various areas of the body depending on what particular vertebrae are affected, which may result in an unusual noise when stretching out or sitting up from a slouched position. Either way, getting someone who knows how to take a look at your back alignment should help provide some temporary relief until it’s time for more drastic measures like surgery if left untreated.

Is it Good To Hear Your Back Cracking?

A small amount of “cracking” is not a problem, but close to about 10% of the population have an air-filled sac on one or both sides of their spine that pops and makes the most noise when you stretch backward (and relieves back pain). These people really should avoid bending and stretching in any way because they will “pop” again and end up with post-traumatic arthritis, which is hard for anyone to live with but can be very tough for kids who need to stay active.

Some believe that the sound of cracking the back is caused by the dislocation of bones, which means it’s often followed by relief to an area. Other experts claim sound is created when two surfaces are rubbed together, which could be anything from passing gas through drying skin against clothes. The net effect typically varies depending on the person and how much discomfort was present beforehand. From one perspective, you can always take it as something good happening in your body’s audible response is different than before, whereas another viewpoint would recommend consulting your doctor before continuing any back adjustment injury prevention program events – ever!

Prevention Tips to Avoid Back Cracking

One way to prevent back cracking is by performing back adjustment. Spinal manipulation, also known as chiropractic treatment, can help reduce or eliminate pain in the body through various procedures used by doctors of chiropractic. One of the most effective ways to adjust the spine is rotational manipulation, where one bone is moved out of its proper position with respect to another bone while simultaneously rotating it around an axis. This procedure takes some time to learn how to use – some people can do it on their own, or others need assistance from someone else. You will then stretch after that for about 5-10 minutes, and you should be good to go!

If you suffer from chronic back pain or have experienced recent injuries, your back will inevitably need some degree of adjustment. It is important to note that not all banks require the same degree of care; for example, most low-grade backaches can be relieved through gentle stretching and muscle release with time. Nevertheless, it’s always advisable to massage the spine whenever possible; doctors recommend this for patients suffering severe or high-grade backs due to the likelihood of spasm in tight muscles and ligaments. This simple process releases clamps on nerves which causes headaches, tingling sensations, numbness, etc. 

Proper maintenance and proper posture at work, school, and home are also important. Make sure not to slouch by using those muscles in your abs to pull your chest up off the ground when it’s time to stand up high and tall like a proud human!

Sometimes it can be hard to figure out why your back cracks when you yawn. There are a few different theories on the cause of this phenomenon. Still, we recommend visiting our Houston chiropractors for an appointment, and they will be able to help identify what is causing your discomfort!

At Peak Potential Family Chiropractic, we want to help you maintain a healthy back and spine! Our chiropractors are dedicated to helping people live happier lives. Our experts offer the highest quality service at competitive rates for your convenience. Schedule an appointment today with one of our therapists to see how they can make your life better!