Chiropractor Care Services & Techniques
Chiropractic Care Services
At Peak Potential Family Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing quality chiropractic care to each and every patient that walks through our door. We have included information here and throughout our website going over the different chiropractic services offered at our Houston Heights Chiropractic Office location, but please call us at 832-280-4684 if you have any questions!
We provide spinal correction utilizing safe and gentle chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists. These newer correction methods are even safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. As a Doctor of Chiropractic, Sean Beukelman has years of training and experience in spinal adjustments, preforming them with ease and grace on even the littlest of spines.
Corrective Chiropractic Care Services Exercises
Peak Potential Family Chiropractic can help you learn specialized exercises to strengthen key areas of your body an to stabilize areas of your spine to eliminate further damage and keep you healthy and happy during and after care.
Lifestyle Advice
Many of our patients come to our Houston Heights Office to see our chiropractor to address their specific pain symptoms like their back pain, sciatica pain, neck pain or headaches. While our chiropractor will absolutely address each and every one of your conditions, as a chiropractor we find it helpful to coach patients so they can achieve their long term health goals. For example, there may be certain goals you have that we may be able to help with like having more energy, less pain, living a longer healthier life, losing weight, or even simply, improving your mood or having less stress. There are many topics that our care team can help with because we are in the holistic health field (meaning more natural approach) we spend a lot more time learning how to create health from within rather than from a “fix it when its broke” symptom approach. While in school your chiropractor take many more health and nutrition classes as opposed to that of a traditional medical doctor. Here at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic we do our very best to stay up to date with the ever changing health issues so we can provide you with the very best advice available.
Healthy Diet & Supplementation Counseling
How does chiropractic care fall in with diet, supplementation and nutrition? The goal of our Houston Chiropractic office, Peak Potential Family Chiropractic, is to help patients their health goals in all aspects of their life. We are all inclusive meaning we want to help you and we are hear and willing to put in the effort to teach you what it means to be health if need be. Here is a great example, we had a recent patient that was a diabetic and he had horrible back pain, Sciatic Nerve Pain and was overweight. Treating the patient for back pain alone would have been us dropping the ball. It is our job to not only explain how weight loss alone would help to eliminate some of his pain but to teach him how to eat to lose weight. Up until this point his entire goal was simply to avoid sugar. It is times like that when we must utilize the knowledge and understand we have to teach patients what is needed to reach their goals and we are horned to be able to do it. If you are interested in learning more about consuming a healthy diet just mention it during your appointment and we would be happy to do our best to have some information for you ready on your next visit.
Chiropractic Care Services | Spinal + Postural Screenings
Your posture is important not only because good posture makes you taller, appear slimmer and look as though you have more confidence, though all of those items are important. Poor posture can have detrimental effects on your health and I am not just talking about back pain. Poor posture can results in spinal disc injury, spinal degeneration, nerve interference and flat out organ failure. Here at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic we want to help keep you along with your friends and family healthy and informed so you can make sure you are doing everything you can to stay that way. That is why we offer spinal screenings by a trained and experienced chiropractor such as Dr. Sean Beukelman which can help reveal important about your health.
Contact us today at 832-280-4684 to come in for a screening or arrange one at your event or workplace.
How well is your body Eliminating Toxins?
Are you ready to eliminate the Toxic Build Up inside of your body and Loose 5-10 lbs or more, in the next 7 days?
Chances are you haven’t ever done a real, effective detox, ever before in your life but are in desperate need of one. Here are a few key red flags your body may be giving you, to indicate that your detoxification process may be in need of some help. Ask us about the Ortho Molecular Detox.

Chiropractic Care Services Techniques
At Peak Potential Family Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing quality chiropractic care to each and every patient that walks through our door. We have included information here and throughout our website going over the different chiropractic services offered at our Houston Heights Chiropractic Office location, but please call us at 832-280-4684 if you have any questions!
Chiropractic Care
We provide spinal correction utilizing safe and gentle chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists. These newer correction methods are even safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. As a Doctor of Chiropractic, Sean Beukelman has years of training and experience in spinal adjustments, preforming them with ease and grace on even the littlest of spines.
Corrective Exercises
Peak Potential Family Chiropractic can help you learn specialized exercises to strengthen key areas of your body an to stabilize areas of your spine to eliminate further damage and keep you healthy and happy during and after care.
Lifestyle Advice
Many of our patients come to our Houston Heights Office to see our chiropractor to address their specific pain symptoms like their back pain, sciatica pain, neck pain or headaches. While our chiropractor will absolutely address each and every one of your conditions, as a chiropractor we find it helpful to coach patients so they can achieve their long term health goals. For example, there may be certain goals you have that we may be able to help with like having more energy, less pain, living a longer healthier life, losing weight, or even simply, improving your mood or having less stress. There are many topics that our care team can help with because we are in the holistic health field (meaning more natural approach) we spend a lot more time learning how to create health from within rather than from a “fix it when its broke” symptom approach. While in school your chiropractor take many more health and nutrition classes as opposed to that of a traditional medical doctor. Here at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic we do our very best to stay up to date with the ever changing health issues so we can provide you with the very best advice available.
Healthy Diet & Supplementation Counseling
How does chiropractic care fall in with diet, supplementation and nutrition? The goal of our Houston Chiropractic office, Peak Potential Family Chiropractic, is to help patients their health goals in all aspects of their life. We are all inclusive meaning we want to help you and we are hear and willing to put in the effort to teach you what it means to be health if need be. Here is a great example, we had a recent patient that was a diabetic and he had horrible back pain, Sciatic Nerve Pain and was overweight. Treating the patient for back pain alone would have been us dropping the ball. It is our job to not only explain how weight loss alone would help to eliminate some of his pain but to teach him how to eat to lose weight. Up until this point his entire goal was simply to avoid sugar. It is times like that when we must utilize the knowledge and understand we have to teach patients what is needed to reach their goals and we are horned to be able to do it. If you are interested in learning more about consuming a healthy diet just mention it during your appointment and we would be happy to do our best to have some information for you ready on your next visit.
Spinal + Postural Screenings
Your posture is important not only because good posture makes you taller, appear slimmer and look as though you have more confidence, though all of those items are important. Poor posture can have detrimental effects on your health and I am not just talking about back pain. Poor posture can results in spinal disc injury, spinal degeneration, nerve interference and flat out organ failure. Here at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic we want to help keep you along with your friends and family healthy and informed so you can make sure you are doing everything you can to stay that way. That is why we offer spinal screenings by a trained and experienced chiropractor such as Dr. Sean Beukelman which can help reveal important about your health.
Contact us today at 832-280-4684 to come in for a screening or arrange one at your event or workplace.
How well is your body Eliminating Toxins?
Are you ready to eliminate the Toxic Build Up inside of your body and Loose 5-10 lbs or more, in the next 7 days?
Chances are you haven’t ever done a real, effective detox, ever before in your life but are in desperate need of one. Here are a few key red flags your body may be giving you, to indicate that your detoxification process may be in need of some help. Ask us about the Ortho Molecular Detox.